cure 4 the kids foundation
C4TK is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and an independent division of Roseman University of Health Sciences. They are the community leader in the research and treatment of childhood cancer and other catastrophic childhood diseases.
Ava Dean Beauty has partnered up with Nick Carter and Cure 4 The Kids Foundation in Las Vegas, NV to give back to this incredible organization.
Cure 4 The Kids Foundation is advancing cures and prevention of childhood diseases through clinical excellence, research, and innovation.
Their vision is to ensure continuous quality improvement through being a reliable, efficient, and responsive team that has the capability of meeting the individual needs of this patient while continually improving care for the next patient.
A portion of the proceeds for our Odin, Saiorse and Pearl polishes, named after Nick Carter's children, goes back to the Cure 4 The Kids Foundation.